Friday, December 4, 2009

Why Must I Talk In The Elevator?

There’s nothing like an awkward silence to just push me over the edge. I’ve realized that I feel compelled to fill those empty moments with some nonsense rolling around in my head which may end up being worse than if I had kept everything quiet and awkward. The elevator is my worst enemy in this respect because that’s a daily opportunity for me to say something stupid and wish I had kept my trap shut. My most frequent offense is standing there and then saying something brilliant like “don’t you think it’s funny how people are always so quiet in elevators?” Good job, way to make everyone feel stupid for not keeping the energy alive and kicking for the 2 minute commute to their floor. My greatest hits continue with commentary about traffic, weather, Christmas shopping, or making what I did that weekend sounds SOOOO fascinating. Sometimes people just want to be quiet and I should just respect that and keep to myself. But I can’t help it, it’s like I have elevator-induced Turret’s Syndrome. Is there any hope for me?

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