Friday, October 30, 2009

The Procrastinating Packer

For any of you who have been blessed with the privilege of living with me at any time, you know very well my ability to procrastinate packing for a work trip for as long as I can. I will leave the suitcase open and will think about what I need to pack for days on end, but it’s not really until the 11th hour that I pull it all together. I hate the process. I hate having to think out days in advance what I might need or what I’m going to wear to each day event and each evening event. It’s just too much for me to wrap my head around and I’m always afraid I’m going to forget something really important. I also have the fear that my luggage will be lost and I’ll be stuck in a country where only skinny people live and I’ll have to make a dress out of the drapes from the hotel or something. All these things and more run through my mind as I pack my suitcase. So, now as I prepare for my upcoming adventure to Berlin, I once again have my suitcase open in my bedroom and for the next few days I will have an uneasy feeling each time I walk by it as I figure out what the hell to pack.

Now, it doesn’t get any better when I come back. I still have some stuff in my suitcase from my recent trip to New Orleans. My trip to DC last week? Forget about it, the bag is still practically full. I have the amazing ability to keep a full suitcase untouched for weeks on end but the upside is that it feels like I went shopping when I finally open it back up and find all the clothes I forgot I had.

I also decided this year to be really vigilant about the gym so I have to pack a bag for that every day and I can’t really figure out if the pain of packing or the pain of exercising is more challenging for me.

Oh well, I can’t stop traveling and I can’t stop packing so I’m going to just have to figure out how to live with this.


  1. I am worse with the laundry basket than a suitcase. I usually have work close that need to be hung up right away or I have to either shell out money for dry cleaning or iron myself. Both options are not attractive so I go for the emptying immediately.

  2. I stumbed my toe so many times on Aaron's not-yet-unpacked suitcase I made him put it away before I went to bed last night.
