Monday, October 19, 2009

It's "Chunking" Outside

So, yesterday I was hanging out with my friend and her adorable twins (to the left is my FAVORITE photo of one of the twins, Ned) and I looked outside and I didn't see rain, I didn't see sleet, I saw chunks. That's right, it was chunking outside. Now, I have to put it this way because it's the only way I can adequately describe what was happening. Big chunks of wet, snowy, crap were falling down everywhere and accumulating. My little buddy Ned and I laid on the floor watching the chunks come down on the skylight and he was mesmerized. I started to think the kids of MA might have a snow day given the lack of preparation of the great state of Massachusetts this early in the season. I carefully drove home last night so as to avoid the infamous spinouts I experienced last winter and made it safely. By the time I left my house this morning, the chunks had melted, the sun was shining and it was a brisk fall day. Which leaves me asking one question, what the hell is going on here? I thought global warming was taking effect, not global chunking! I thought it was supposed to be fall, not winter! I think that the buyers at TJ Maxx and HomeGoods have gotten together with Mother Nature in a conspiracy to speed up the holiday decoration season!!! I am not ready to shovel, I am not ready to pay a high heating bill, I am protesting the winter season starting already, who's with me!?!? And for all of my friends south of D.C., don't you even dare weigh in and tell me how "chilly" it feels now that your weather is in the 60s. Cry me a river!!!


  1. Throw Target in there as part of the conspiracy, too - I almost had a heart attack when I walked one aisle past the Halloween costumes a few weeks ago and saw Christmas cards, lighted lawn Frosty the Snowmen, and ornaments. Next year I won't be surprised if the Xmas crap is out with the back-to-school sales in September!

  2. This just showed up on my reader! Neddy Bear was very happy to see his Aunt Natalie this weekend. Thanks for helping me deal with the grouchies!
