Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Please Remain Seated Until The Aircraft Has Come To A Complete Stop

As many of you know, I recently traveled the friendly skies as I went to Berlin and back a couple of weeks ago. It was an amazing trip and I had a wonderful time. That is if I forget the “delightful” people I had to deal with on the planes and all the airports I had to go through to get there. Here’s the thing, we all want to get on the plane and get settled in our seats but does getting to your seat 1 whole minute before me warrant being a complete turd and sacrificing your humanity? Honestly, the rudeness exhibited by my dear fellow passengers was truly astonishing. So, boarding was one thing, but it was the departure from the aircraft that really got my blood boiling. So, the plane lands, the lights go on and that friendly little ding sends the passengers into a frenzied motion of unclicking their seatbelts and lunging for the exit door. Nobody makes eye contact because if you do, you might feel compelled to show some manners. That’s right, they just keep their eyes looking forward as they rush past me, knocking me with their obnoxious carry on bags and leaving me to wait like a game of frogger to enter the rat race. And I give up. I simply sit down and wait it out because nothing is worth lowering myself to the point where I will knock into someone and stop the almighty surge of people while I grab my bag from the bin (exhibiting caution as my items ALWAYS shift during flight), give my seat an extra look to make sure I haven’t left my ipod behind, and leave when I am good and ready. This works out well most of the time, the only problem is when another person is sitting next to me and is like an Olympian runner at the starting line, waiting to sprint to the door. So, it’s really not the flying time, the boredom of a long flight, the cramped seats that wears me out when I travel, it’s the exhaustion I feel from the disappointment when I see fellow human beings forget for a second that they don’t get a prize just because they’re first out the door.

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