Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why Can't Everything Be Made of Pretzel?

I'm in Switzerland for work and have been enjoying all kinds of food, from rosti to chocolates and everything in between. Now, my colleague and friend Goran has a taste for the more unusual foods like duck haunch, rabbit leg, pig knuckles, and chestnut vermicelli paste. YUCK!!! But I have to say that my friend Melissa introduced me to something so deliciously wonderful today that I just had to blog about it. She introduced, or shall I say REINTRODUCED me to the pretzel. Now, I've had pretzels in NY, Philly, and ballparks across the country, but there's something about the European pretzel that I can't quite compare. They have pretzels with Raclette, pretzels with meats and cheeses, and the piece de resistance: the hot dog pretzel. I savored every bite of this delectable delight and truly feel a sense of loss now that it's over. I'm seriously going to go into pretze l withdrawal after this trip. Does Promises have a program for pretzel addiction? Move over Lindsay Lohan, I'm checking in! Well, I don't know if a doctor can help me now, but one thing is for sure, I will be paying the Brezelkonig another visit before this trip is done!!!

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