Sunday, January 10, 2010

Straight Up Now Tell Me

The new season of American Idol is upon us and while it will inevitably contain some of the standard elements which make it entertaining, i.e. the crazy auditions, dramatic fights and debates over what defines “talent” and the totally drawn out process of separating singers into herds only to break their hearts, there will be one defining difference this season: no more Paula Abdul. No more slurring, no more crazy non-lucid moments, no more giving critiques on performances that haven’t happened yet, no more insane outfits, no more awkward flirting with Simon, no more statements like “your spirit soars with your notes and your individuality is something only you possess and you are a gift and a gift I like to get”, and no more stupid ugly jewelry that she gives all the contestants. But, dare I admit that I might miss it a little bit? Sure, I think she’s batshit crazy, but that’s part of her charm. For every valid piece of actual musical knowledge the other judges offer, Paula has offered something very special and that is that she offers the unexpected. You truly don’t know what she’s going to say next. You really don’t know if she’s going to keep it together during a ballad or if she’s gonna jump out of her seat and dance on disco night. You don’t know if she’ll give a comment having anything to do with the song she just heard and that’s what makes her so entertaining. So, while I welcome Ellen with open arms, I must say that I hold out hope that Paula has some sort of deal in the making where she will be back on tv somewhere because her kind of crazy is worth a small part of my DVR.

1 comment:

  1. The contestants also love her because she never says anything bad. And of course, she always loves what they wear ;-)
